The Vascular Flora of Autauga County, Alabama

The vascular flora of Autauga County, Alabama, was surveyed from 2016 to 2020. A total of 168 families, 617 genera, 1,393 species, and eight named hybrids are reported. Of the 1,393 species, 1,097 were collected during this study and 296 are from the search of online databases. Thirty of the species are listed on The Inventory List of Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plants and Animals of Alabama. Approximately 21.4% of the flora (298 species), are considered non-native. Families with the largest number of species and named hybrids were Asteraceae (162), Poaceae (147), Fabaceae (100), Cyperaceae (96), Rosaceae (42), and Lamiaceae (33).